Spend less time guessing where your people are and more time leading them where they need to go.
Because you are busy, TDA was designed to make it easy for your church’s members and attendees to tell you about their specific attitudes, actions and beliefs in 8 areas of disicpleship.
Just a few examples of what the TDA can do:
Convenient and Confidential. Easy online access allows everyone to complete it when they have time. Because everything is done online, it saves the church on paper but more importantly it eliminates any worries individuals might have about their responses being exposed to others. | |
Fast Results Because it is all done online, results are available immediately. No one has to spend hours adding up all the scores, it’s done right inside the tool. Individuals see their results just moments after they complete the final question. Group results are available to you as soon as at least five people have completed the questionnaire. |
Spiritual Maturity No more guessing about what people think, believe, and do as disciples when they aren’t gathered for worship. Because of the extensive research and testing behind the TDA, you can trust the results. You’ll get a quick overview of your church in the summary report and an in-depth look at every question in the detailed report. Both available immediately as soon as at least five people have completed the TDA. These reports are also updated instantly as more people complete it. |
Customizable “Next Steps” What your church sees next is in your hands. You can customize the “next steps” for individuals and groups in a way that connects with the message, mission, and context of your church. This is one of TDA’s newest features because pastors asked us for it. We have provided next steps for individuals and groups that are already available. |
Empower leaders TDA helps you empower your group leaders by giving you the ability to have as many groups in your account that you need. This gives your group leaders the ability to see the needs and opportunities in their own groups while reminding everyone of the importance of discipleship. Because you can retake the TDA after 90-days, groups can see the immediate impact of their studies and efforts. |
Affordable Similar tools can cost churches thousands to get started. While it is always available for individuals at $9.95 each, our bulk pricing (calculated automatically at time of purchase) makes it budget friendly for churches of all sizes. |